Susan specialises in criminal law. She represents clients facing a wide range of charges, including family harm, serious violence or property offending, dishonesty, drugs, firearms, and sexual crimes.Susan specialises in criminal law. She represents clients facing a wide range of charges, including family harm, serious violence or property offending, dishonesty, drugs, firearms, and sexual crimes.
Susan Giles
BA(Crim)/ LLB

Criminal Barrister

Susan specialises in criminal law, representing clients facing a broad spectrum of charges, including family harm, serious violence, property offences, dishonesty, drug-related crimes, firearms violations, and sexual offences. She also handles traffic charges and Department of Corrections prosecutions.

With bachelor's degrees in criminology and law, Susan began her legal career in London before returning to New Zealand in 2011 to focus on criminal defence. She has over 15 years of experience, dedicated exclusively to this field.

Susan's practice is supported by junior barrister Elizabeth Kim, who specialises in traffic charges and limited licences.

Susan accepts private instructions and is an approved legal aid provider (PAL 4).